I’m starting to think about what to have for for our Xmas lunch and the sort of food that works well on a Melbourne summer’s day, whilst not completely turning my back on tradition.  I’m not really one for the  heavy meats and carby stodge of a Winter Xmas, though I do love the spices, especially in the desserts. What I need is something that’s a bit fancy, a bit festive and doesn’t send everyone into a coma by 3pm.

Fish seems like a great option, along with some really fresh and zesty salads, perhaps a spiced rice dish and then finish off with a few desserts that come in small servings.  I’m a bit of a glutton for plum pudding, so I think that’ll have to make an appearance, even if it is more of a Winter Xmas thing.  I’ve been cooking a lot of Sri Lankan food lately, so maybe I’ll knock up something in the coming weeks that has a bit more of a subcontinental vibe to it.

Here’s what I reckon we could do that would be pretty great. It’s a bit of a multi cultural whirligig, which is as far as whirligigs go, is my fancy.

  • Smoked salmon on Blini with celeriac remoulade
  • Vietnamese style prawns also barbequed and served in a Bahn Mi style roll
  • Green mango or papaya salad
  • Barbequed whole snapper with red curry paste and ginger and tamarind sauce
  • Lebanese shredded chicken and spiced rice
  • Moroccan style orange, ruby grapefruit and fennel salad
  • Sri Lankan plum pudding
  • Sienna cake
  • Catalan custard tarts with cinnamon, orange zest and vanilla seeds
  • Coffee, lots of it, plus some Moroccan mint green tea
  • A long walk or Frisbee in the park

If this kind of fare floats your boat, then maybe you’d like to get your team in for a Xmas function and do them a favour two ways. They’ll have a fun day making and eating great food far away from photocopiers and other things people might regret.  At the same time, you’ll also help them with some ideas for their own family Xmas day lunches and avoid the other sort of end of year regret, the one from eating too much winter food in an Australian summer.